A CDA is Certified Digital Art, a file containing a high-quality work of art in digital format accompanied by a certificate attesting to the work's authorship and the property of the buyer with the guarantee of Babel Contemporary Art Gallery.
Owning a CDA gives you the exclusive right to reproduce the artwork in large format.
For more details, please see the FAQ section.

Something about us and the CDA
The original idea comes from the collaboration between Jose Carmona (k-ant), conceptual digital artist, and Javier Cerezo, director of the gallery Babel Arte (Murcia). It was born out of the need to create a system that guarantees the integrity, both of the artist's authorship and of the buyer's ownership, of works of digital art, recognising the particular identity of the digital work, with its own qualities that differentiate it from the physical work; the CDA is therefore a unique work of art in itself.
Both the ownership of the CDA and the integrity of the artwork in digital format are covered and recognised in the terms of the agreement contained in the CDA.
CDAs are unique works of art, with special qualities and new possibilities that allow us to provide high quality digital archives, such as the reproduction in any size, format and medium of the digital artistic work contained in the CDA.
It is a path to humanise digital art, the agreements required for the CDA certificate involve collaboration between several people. Each party represents a commitment, it is art made by humans for humans, although its digital format, and sometimes its realisation, involves technological resources.
We distance ourselves from the current tendency that predominates in the networks, automatic creations, generative art, impersonal contents, artificial intelligence systematising all areas of communication, which is resisted by those of us who seek the human touch and value it through initiatives such as this one.
Javier Cerezo
Director of the gallery Babel Arte (Murcia)
Jose Carmona
Conceptual digital artist

Galería Babel Arte Contemporáneo, C/ Apóstoles, 24 - 30001 - Murcia - España
Tlfnos: +34 968 212898 / +34 629 814643